Soviet Whaling Action in North Pacific
Greenpeace crew member Michael Baily blockades a Russian harpoon ship in a Zodiac.

Soviet Whaling Action in North Pacific
Russian harpoon boat, Greenpeace zodiac with film crew, and the Greenpeace ship James Bay in the background.

Soviet Whaling Action in North Pacific
The James Bay (Greenpeace VII) blockades a Russian harpoon ship.

Soviet Whaling Action in North Pacific
Greenpeace crew Bobbi Hunter and Paul Watson in front of a whaling ship that has been stopped by Greenpeace.

Soviet Whalers in North Pacific
Russian whaling crew watch the Greenpeace actions from the stern of the factory ship Dalniy Vostok.

Paul Winter in Wickaninnish Bay
Paul Winter plays his saxophone for a Grey whale off the coast of Vancouver Island. Greenpeace spent two days with the pod of whales feeding in the Bay, during the 1975 whale campaign.

Soviet Whaling Ship in North Pacific
Russian harpooner at the bow of the whaling ship with a loaded harpoon gun.

Soviet Whaling Tour Preparations
Greenpeace crew during preparation for the 1976 whale campaign: (from left) Rod Marining, Walrus Oakenbough (David Garrick), Melville Gregory, Bob Hunter, all from Canada, and Greenpeace USA member Peter Fruckman.

Soviet Whaling in North Pacific
Whale flukes, dead Sperm whales lashed to the gunwales of a Russian harpoon ship.

Greenpeace Office in Vancouver
The first public Greenpeace office at 2007 West 4th Avenue in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Bob Hunter sits at the head of the table, Bree Drummond leans against the wall, Rod Marining, with long hair and beard sits to Hunter's right, Alan Clapp stands in the doorway with a file folder, and Henry Payne sits at the far end of the table with a headband.

Phyllis Cormack in North Pacific
The Phyllis Cormack from the bow with the Greenpeace name fixed to the bridge.

Bob Hunter on Phyllis Cormack
Bob Hunter types a media release on his typewriter in the engine room of the Phyllis Cormack during the 1975 whale campaign.

Bob Hunter on Phyllis Cormack
Crisis on the Phyllis Cormack: Bob Hunter appears in despair as he is unable to reach anyone via radio during the first confrontation with with Russian whalers in 1975. The radio was the crew's only link to the outside world. Captain Cormack looks on, unable to help.

Soviet Whaling Tour in the North Pacific
Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia plays a benefit concert for Greenpeace at Pier 31 in San Francisco. The Greenpeace ship James Bay sits at dock behind the stage.

Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Campaign
Poet Allen Ginsberg reads his poem, "Plutonian Ode" on the train tracks leading into the Rocky Flats nuclear trigger factory in Colorado. Protesters sat on the tracks to blockade the trains delivering plutonium to the factory.

Soviet Whaling in North Pacific
A Russian harpoon ship approaches a dead sperm whale that had been left floating with a radio beacon attached.

Soviet Whaling Action in North Pacific
A Greenpeace Zodiac crew blockades a Russian harpoon ship during Greenpeace's second whale campaign. Mid North Pacific Ocean, between Mexico and Hawaii.

Soviet Whaling Tour in the North Pacific
A dying Sperm whale thrashes about in the water, attached to a harpoon from a Russian harpoon ship.

James Bay and Phyllis Cormack
Greenpeace ships Phyllis Cormack and James Bay at dock in Sydney, BC, Canada, during the 1976 whale campaign.

Russian Whaling Fleet in North Pacific
Greenpeace Zodiac approaching Russian whaling fleet, the Dalniy Vostok and harpoon boats. North Pacific

Vega and Phyllis Cormack in North Pacific
Greenpeace ships Vega and Phyllis Cormack at sea pursuing Russian whaling fleets, during the 1975 whale campaign.

Triangle Island off the Coast of Canada
A glaucous-winged gull flies near Triangle Island off the coast of Canada.

Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Campaign
Activist camp on the tracks leading into the Rocky Flats nuclear trigger factory near Denver, Colorado. Greenpeace was part of a coalition led by the Rocky Flats Truth Force in Boulder, Colorado. Over 300 people were arrested at Rocky Flats before the citizen action succeeded and the plant was closed.

Crew on Phyllis Cormack
Melville Gregory and Taeko Miwa at the wheel during the first day of the 1975 whale campaign.

Crew on Phyllis Cormack
Mel Gregory at the wheel of the Phyllis Cormack, under the watchful eye of Captain Cormack, running at night in the North Pacific.

Whale Campaign
The Phyllis Cormack in front of a Soviet harpoon ship. North Pacific, Mendocino ridge, 50 miles west of the California coast.

Whale Campaign
Bob Hunter returns Greenpeace flag to Kwakiutl indigenous nation in Alert Bay BC.

Soviet Whaling Tour in North Pacific
The factory ship Dalniy Vostok hauls a dead Sperm whale up the stern slip to the flencing deck. North Pacific, between Mexico and Hawaii.

Crew on James Bay
James Bay crew tracks the Soviet whalers; Bob Hunter points out ship movements on the chart with crew. From left: Michael Manoloson, David Garrick (Walrus), Michael Bailey, Bob Hunter, Susi Leger, Paul Spong, Lance Cowan. North Pacific, between Mexico and Hawaii.

David McTaggard and Bob Hunter in Vancouver
Greenpeace president Bob Hunter with David McTaggard, who sailed into the French nuclear test zone at Mururoa Atoll during the second Greenpeace campaign, at the first Greenpeace public office on 4th Avenue in Vancouver.

Nuclear Weapons Campaign in USA
Members of the Greenpeace affinity group among the occupiers at the Trident nuclear submarine base at the US Naval Station, in Bangor, Washington, USA, to protest nuclear weapons.

Anti-nuclear Protest in New Hampshire
Protesters flee from police tear gas at the Seabrook nuclear plant site in 1980; Greenpeace worked in a coalition with the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility and the Clamshell Alliance in this campaign to shut down the Seabrook nuclear plant near the Hampton Harbor in New Hampshire, USA.